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Getting Ready For Next Year’s Snow

As much as you hate to see it, the end of the ski season comes too soon, even when you ski in Massachusetts. When the last run down the slopes is over for the season, here are a few steps to take that will leave you ready when the snow starts falling again.


You invest a lot in your ski equipment and rely on it to keep you safe and comfortable. Because of this, it is wise to take a few moments at the end of the season and properly prepare your gear for storage. Here are a few things that will save you time and money next winter.
1. Start with a full inventory. Check out each piece of gear, from skis to goggles, for dings, cracks or other issues. If you had any problems with gear during the season, deal with them now. Arrange for repairs and replacements during the off-season. You can save money and avoid the lines next year. If items need replacing, think about adding them to your wish list of gifts from friends and family. Don’t forget to check for any clearance and end-of-season sales to pick up needed gear at huge savings.
2. Clean everything carefully. Especially make sure that boots and parkas are dry and free of muck and grime. Check all the pockets that might have food or energy bars to attract unwanted mice or other varmints. Lightly lubricate rubber parts exposed to wind and sun during the season. Buy good containers and make sure you label them.
3. Tune and wax the skis. Of course, these babies are what make the trip to the slopes a boon or a bust. If you don’t tune your own skis, get them checked over. The same point about time and savings apply to these jobs at the end of the season. When they are all ready to go, apply a generous coating of an inexpensive wax. This protects the edges and bases from rust, dust, and other potential grime.
4. Deal with your binding springs by ignoring them. This is the continuing debate among seasoned ski buffs. It is not necessary to loosen the binding springs to prevent damaging them during extended storage. Your factory and shop settings of DIN values provide the best protection against mishaps such as pre-release on the slopes. If you feel you must loosen them, leave yourself a clear reminder on the skis to tighten up before your first run next season.
5. Take a moment to recapture your great runs of the season. Write a few pointers about what slopes and situations gave you the most pleasure, as well as those you want to avoid next year. Pack away the gear but keep the memories fresh. It will be time for the slopes again before you know it.

Ski Season Preparations

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